Astronomers Unveil New 'Baby Pictures' of the Universe, Confirm Leading Evolutionary Theory

Astronomers Unveil New 'Baby Pictures' of the Universe, Confirm Leading Evolutionary Theory

1 minute read
Updated 2 days ago

Breakthrough in Cosmic Imaging

An international team using the captured the clearest images of the universe's early state, revealing the cosmic microwave background radiation and ancient gas clouds.

These high-definition images, showing the universe at 380,000 years old, confirm the , ruling out many alternative theories of cosmic evolution.

Insights into the Universe's Composition and Expansion

The observations indicate the universe contains 1,900 zetta-suns of mass, with dark matter and dark energy making up the majority, underscoring the complexity of cosmic matter.

The new data also refined the Hubble constant, supporting a slower expansion rate of the universe, and provided a more precise age estimate of 13.8 billion years.
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