Biden Administration Proposes Voluntary Guidelines for Self-Driving Vehicles Amid Transition to Trump

Biden Administration Proposes Voluntary Guidelines for Self-Driving Vehicles Amid Transition to Trump

1 minute read
Updated 9 days ago

Regulatory Proposal and Criticism

The administration's proposed voluntary safety guidelines for self-driving vehicles, requiring automakers to have safety plans and report data on vehicle performance and crashes.

Critics argue the proposal lacks enforceable performance standards, with some calling it a meaningless paperwork exercise. There's concern it may not adequately ensure safety or data collection on crashes.

Transition and Future Directions

The proposal is unlikely to be finalized before Biden's term ends, potentially leaving its future to the Trump administration, which may introduce its own guidelines.

NHTSA acknowledges the future need for minimum performance standards for self-driving vehicles but cites a lack of current data to support such regulations. The voluntary plan aims to gather necessary data.
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