Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales Entangled Off Massachusetts Coast

Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales Entangled Off Massachusetts Coast

1 minute read
Updated 10 hours ago

Discovery and Immediate Impact

Two North Atlantic right whales, one a juvenile and the other an adult female, were found entangled in fishing gear off , with the juvenile likely facing fatal injuries.

The entangled whales were spotted about 50 miles southeast of during an aerial survey on Dec. 9, highlighting the ongoing threats to this critically endangered species.

Conservation Efforts and Challenges

and conservation groups are monitoring the whales and exploring possible responses to the entanglements, amidst calls for new safeguards against fishing and shipping impacts.

Despite a slight uptick in the whale population, experts warn of the species' extinction risk due to entanglements, vessel strikes, and climate change affecting food availability.
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