Legal Action Begins Against Army Following Maine Mass Shooting

Legal Action Begins Against Army Following Maine Mass Shooting

1 minute read
Updated 14 hours ago

Negligence Claims Filed

Lawyers representing 100 survivors and victims' families filed notices of claim against the Army and an hospital, alleging negligence in preventing the mass shooting by Army Reservist Robert Card in , on Oct. 25, 2023.

The claims assert the Army was aware of Card's mental health decline, including paranoia and homicidal ideations, and failed to act on recommendations to restrict his access to weapons.

Legal Process and Background

The notices of claim, required before suing the federal government, give the Army six months to respond, after which lawsuits may be filed. This step is part of seeking accountability for the shooting that left 18 dead and 13 injured.

An independent commission and internal military reports highlighted missed opportunities and failures to act on warning signs, including Card's creation of a "hit list" and threats to "shoot up" an armory.
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